Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lost Summer

I love summer!!! oh my! mine has been great so far. The first week all I did was literally sleep, eat, watch lost, go to soccer, hang out, and watch more lost. Allie got me addicted and now I am done with the first season! Moving on to season two baby! And the good news is.... I got more people addicted to lost! They kept saying how the show was stupid, and I said they had to watch one episode before they could decide that. Well..... you know the lays phrase? Betcha can't eat just one? Well, that should be Lost's motto. Once you watch one, you have to watch another! :)

EFY! I cannot wait! Allie and I are going to party it up. Hopefully we'll meet a few attractive boys. Ok lets make that more reasonable, Two attractive boys. One for each of us haha and if that doesn't work, we will just have to look harder. Anyways, I am excited because this will be my first time going and i have heard it's a blast! and that's all :)


Haley said...

you're fat. you lost addict.

Haley said...

dont even bring up the herp house. he probably lives in a cardboard box... that's what it looks and smells like. he smells like old people.

allie said...

remember how that whole post came true? ha. we even met two attractive boys..and more!! WHAT UP