Friday, April 11, 2008

I hate pain and suck ups.

I decided that it's true. You never fully appreciate something until it is taken away. I miss having a body that doesn't hurt haha. Everything is whole lot easier! Sorry, this post is pretty much just going to be me complaining. Sometimes you just gotta let it out, explode! I am not really to the exploding point quite yet.... but I my as well let it out a little early. My feet kill! and so does my butt! and my ankles and my knees. And you know what? I still played soccer. Some people, I am not going to name any names but allie, haley, and shandi will know who I am talking about, some people are just really good at sucking up. And they can just complain that their freakin toe hurts and then they don't have to run at practice. Then they still get to play practically the whole game because they know how to suck up to the coach. I think in school they should have important classes like how to suck up to people. I think it would be more beneficial to me than classes like pe. I already excercise too much anyways. That's all my complaining for now :)

1 comment:

allie said...

hahahahah.... JORDAN